A smart tool to scrape and extract properties from Zillow search results, and export to CSV/Excel with one click
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Zillow Scraper - Extract Data from Zillow , extract properties from Zillow search results.
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If you need to extract data from individual listing pages, simply turn on the corresponding switch in the Popup settings area.
Maybe we have released a new version recently. And there may be a problem with the update mechanism of the extension. So just reinstall the extension and it should work again. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions at [email protected].
It is possible that Zillow Scraper was installed after opening the Zillow search results page, in which case you need to refresh the current page. If it is not the above situation, you can click on the extension icon multiple times to load data. This may be caused by network issues.
Usually, you can scrape data by waiting for the search results page to load completely and then running Zillow Scraper. Can you record a simple video? Currently, we don't know where the problem is. It runs without any issues on our end.
You can wait a little longer, or switch the network or restart the browser to try.
Maybe the paddle email and the login email are mixed. You need to log in with your login email.
You can cancel your premium subscription at any time, by clicking the PRO button, and finally clicking the CANCEL SUBSCRIPTION button.